Leak Detection

Water leak detection is divided up into many categories.

RESIDENTIAL -- indoor slab leaks(hot & cold water), outdoor metallic water pipe leaks, PVC irrigation and water service leaks.

The presence of water does not dictate that you have leak…it just means you have a wet spot.

Water can come from many different sources. Broken sewers, &drain pipes, leaking appliances, water supply tubes, condensate lines, faulty caulking at showers, tubs, & sinks, secondary irrigation, and even human error.

The first order of business is to identify the source of the water; this can be done by watching consumption through the water meter or with a static pressure test. If the meter does not move and/or the static gauge holds pressure; you do not have a pressurized water leak. You need to look somewhere else for the source of the water.

If you have meter movement Goldak Inc. can survey your property with a Model 777 leak detector and determine what and where you water leak is. The metallic water pipes can also be located and marked to aid in the decision of how you will affect the repair of the leaking pipe.

If the leak is in a non-metallic water pipe; the leak can be pinpointed but the location and direction of the PVC water pipe probably cannot be ascertained.

NOTE: Only one leak at a time can be accurately located. The leak that is located will need to be repaired first, then a survey can be performed to locate any other leaks that many be present for an additional fee.

COMMERCIAL leaks in businesses and apartment buildings can be found, but the survey requires that the technician be given access to all units and/or apartments in the structure at the same time to perform an complete survey. High water bills in apartments have many contributing factors such as leaking fixtures, running toilets, and water usage by tenants during the survey. It is imperative that the technician have access to all the units during the survey to pinpoint an underground water leak.

FIRE WATER PROTECTION SYSTEMS underground leaks can be located using normal methods but tow behind industrial air compressor many be required to pinpoint the leak on pipes 4” or larger. Call for details

POOL LEAKS- Goldak Inc does not locate leaks on pools, spas, ponds, or fountains. Please call for a referral of a reliable company who specializes in these types of surveys.

Drain or sewerpipe leaks can be identified by introducing flow dye into the pipe and gauging if the water surfacing changes color. Sewer pipes can be inspected with a video camera for roots intrusion and breaks if the sewer lateral is not backed up and full of water. An entry point into the sewer line is needed for the inspection. A 3” or larger clean out is a preferred entry point for a video survey.